Sunday, July 17, 2011

The party's over...

All good things must come to an end...and so it is with the 2011 Thunderegg Days. We had awesome weather, wonderful crowds, great vendors, toe-tappin' entertainment, delicious, quilts, lawnmower dragsters, in other words, "rocks and more"!
Mark your calendars for July 12, 13, 14, 2012 and come to Nyssa!

'till next year, Susan

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The fun continues...

Friday was soooo busy, I didn't have time to write! Beautiful weather, the rock tour went out for plume and came back with some nice pieces. Lots of people all day long making the rounds to the various rock, gem and artisan vendors and eating in the food court. New this year was our "courtesy cart" to assist folks around the lawns. Thank you G.R.ate Pizza!
The car show was just fantastic with over 70 entries. Beautiful cars and a few works in progress. Hopefully we will see those in the coming years.
Fantasy Karaoke rocked the house.

The evening ended with the parade of cars as the entries left the car show....a beautiful full moon...and the last song from Ron & Connie.

Oh! My favorite moment of the day was sitting with my feet in a lavender foot soak while I sipped on a chocolate chip milkshake. Now thats livin'!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Opening Day

The Moore Sisters were awesome singing our National Anthem at the opening ceremony. Kylieanne Lowe, Miss Nyssa Nite Rodeo was there, as was Nyssa Mayor Brent Huffman and members of the Nyssa Chamber Board.

We are having a great day! Come join the fun.....


Day 1

Thursday is our opening day. The vendors arrived yesterday and we had a cool day to get set up. Quilt show is in place. A beautiful full moon last night and a gentle, cool breeze!

Today! The Nyssa Select Choir had breakfast cookin'....the rock tour (20 cars) left to hunt for is a beautiful day in Nyssa. Please join us at the 46th Annual Thunderegg Days!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you on your way?

One of our 51 vendors stopped by the office today....we start setting up tomorrow at 8 AM. Everything is coming, cars, food, quilts
We're putting on a show and need YOU to join us. Don't miss out, it's gonna be a rockin' good time!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Counting down

The office is a mess with boxes of items ready to go to the Chamber's Thunderegg Days on-site office! Everything is a go and looking good for the vendors to arrive on Wednesday and the opening on Thursday.

Don't miss's gonna be grand!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting Ready

Spending a few hours on a Sunday evening in the office clearing away the routine duties so I can focus on Thunderegg Days.
Weather report looks outstanding! Thurs/Fri highs in the 70s and Saturday mid 80s. Come to Nyssa for a great home town event!

See ya soon! Susan

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The excitement is growing!

A full house with 42 rock, gem & artisan vendors plus 7 food vendors! This is one event you will want to see for yourself. Our program is posted on the chamber website at Click on the Thunderegg Days Festival link and then check out the program to see all the entertainment and activities packed into 3 days.

The weather is wonderful today, a slight sprinkle earlier and a gentle breeze now to keep you cool.

See you in one week in Nyssa Oregon - the Thunderegg Capitol of the World!