Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Party's Over!

Just when it was really getting fun! Oh well, all good things must come to an end. It was warm every day, but no big windstorms or rain! This is July in Eastern Oregon so warm is normal. I had a fun time, even though I was on the job and trying to make sure all ran smoothly. I probably won't blog much in the coming months, all the behind the scenes stuff takes place in the coming months...kinda boring to write about but important stuff to let people know about our event. The dates will be July 14-16. Later....

Day 3

Thundereggs! We had 25 cars join up for the trip to find thundereggs. The participants came back hot and dusty, but with treasures. Thanks Walt for guiding us! He also loaned me some beautiful finished pieces to display at the chamber table. Saturday brought more warm weather, particularly in the afternoon, but people came out for the TVCC summer band concert and the Chamber's annual BBQ rib dinner. The sidewalk chalk art contest let loose a bunch of talented artists. Music all afternoon and yummy food. I started my day with bisquits and gravy, got "arrested" and had to spend time in the jail...convinced the jailers to let me get lunch and a cold drink to take with me. They were kind enough not to subject me to bread and water only! Tacos and strawberry lemonade was much better. I went home for an hour and ate dinner with my husband before he went to work, we ate the leftovers from our Thursday night chicken dinner. Later I had a peach crepe for dessert, while I had a lavendar foot soak. ah......

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 2

Pink plume was the rock tour today with 11 cars going out for the hunt. Included in the group was a Dad with 3 of the cutest little boys you've ever seen! They shared their finds with me this afternoon as we sat on the lawn and listened to "Arizona" Kennedy sing & play his fiddle. Two of them had green mouths as they enjoyed a green popsicle! This is a family fun event as evidenced by all the strollers on the lawn well as a few walkers and wheelchairs. All ages can enjoy Thunderegg Days.
We have more music on tap this afternoon and Fantasy Karaoke tonight. The Thunder in the Streets Car show kicks off at 6. There are a lot of beautiful cars coming to Nyssa! Last night there was a roar in the air as the Outlaw Lawnmower Dragsters put on a show on Good Avenue. I still think they need to have a blade on those machines...I have a big yard!
The quilt show and quilt walk give you an opportunity to see some beautiful works of art. The quilt show is inside in the air conditioned Mac Hall gym. The quilt walk gives you an opportunity to visit the Nyssa business community. It is our chamber members who make Thunderegg Days possible! There is also a display of quilts being made to go to our troops and today when I stopped by, the volunteer at the show was working on a troop quilt.
It's a great day in Nyssa....come and join the fun!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 1

Eight cars joined today's rock tour searching for Moss Agate. Walt & Joanne took off at 7 a.m. for parts is always fun when they return to see what everyone found. It is a beautiful morning here in Nyssa. The vendors are ready for you to visit them. The Nyssa High School volleyball team fixed breakfast burritos this morning.
We are looking forward to a great Thunderegg Days Festival 2010! Come join the fun.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We're Ready for You!

The signs are up...vendors are on-site office is at the school ready for me to move all these boxes into it. Starting tomorrow afternoon I'll be all set up on the grounds of the Nyssa Elementary School for the 45th Annual Thunderegg Days Festival. Later this evening a group of volunteers will be getting the quilt frames put together. We had 3 students take them to Mac Hall and clean them all this morning. Tomorrow the quilts will go on the racks. The vendors will start setting up and then....THURSDAY opening day! I hope you will be able to join us. You can view our program and see everything that is happening by visiting the chamber's website at Follow the link to Thunderegg Days to view the 2010 program.
Come and join us!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Getting ready...

I'm busy packing boxes to go to the Thunderegg Days office which will be moved onto the elementary school grounds tomorrow (Tuesday). I hope you will stop by the on-site office and say hi...if I'm not there, one of our chamber board members or chamber members will be there to welcome you to Nyssa. Sign our guestbook! We've had visitors from all across the U.S. and last year a couple from Paris, France!
The sun is shining, there's a slight breeze with forecast for great weather! Highs to be in the 85-90 range; lows 57-62.
We are getting ready to host you!
See you soon! Susan

Friday, July 2, 2010

Support your neighbor

Many small towns have festivals and events which are a lot of fun. Tonight, my husband and I will be going to Vale for the Vale Rodeo....we return on Sunday afternoon so he can ride in the 4th of July parade. It's a great weekend in Vale! We also have tickets to see Diamond Rio on July 24 in Vale!
The next town event in our area is our very own Thunderegg Days and more! It's gonna be great!
Hope to see you in Nyssa! Have a wonderful Independence Day weekend!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The countdown begins!

The office is abuzz with activity...posters and programs going out to be placed in area businesses...the ribbons for the quilt show more vendor contract came's a beautiful blue sky day, gentle breeze, not too hot! Volunteers are getting their assignments. It takes a lot of people to make this event happen and I appreciate each one of them! Susan