Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 3

Thundereggs! We had 25 cars join up for the trip to find thundereggs. The participants came back hot and dusty, but with treasures. Thanks Walt for guiding us! He also loaned me some beautiful finished pieces to display at the chamber table. Saturday brought more warm weather, particularly in the afternoon, but people came out for the TVCC summer band concert and the Chamber's annual BBQ rib dinner. The sidewalk chalk art contest let loose a bunch of talented artists. Music all afternoon and yummy food. I started my day with bisquits and gravy, got "arrested" and had to spend time in the jail...convinced the jailers to let me get lunch and a cold drink to take with me. They were kind enough not to subject me to bread and water only! Tacos and strawberry lemonade was much better. I went home for an hour and ate dinner with my husband before he went to work, we ate the leftovers from our Thursday night chicken dinner. Later I had a peach crepe for dessert, while I had a lavendar foot soak. ah......

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